Health and Wellbeing Programs

At Malibu School, we prioritise whole-school approaches that encompass student’s physical, emotional, social and academic development to support their health and wellbeing. We know that our student’s will thrive when they have what they need and they are helped to succeed.

Children who are mentally healthy learn better, benefit from life experiences and have stronger relationships with family members, school staff and peers. Good mental health in childhood also provides a solid foundation for:

  • Managing the transition to adolescence and adulthood
  • Engaging successfully in education
  • Making a meaningful contribution to society

Protective Behaviours

The Protective Behaviour program teaches children to be resilient, self-aware, persistent and assertive. Children are taught age-appropriate abuse-prevention education concepts and given the opportunity to practice these skills in a safe, culturally sensitive and controlled environment.

The Program is based on ten concepts around the two themes ‘We all have the right to feel safe all of the time’ and ‘We can talk with someone about anything.’ Each concept provides children with specific knowledge and skills and encourages an adventurous approach to life which satisfies the need for fun and excitement without violence and fear.

Each class has one scheduled Protective Behaviours lesson per week, delivered by a specialist teacher, and concepts are taught incidentally throughout each school day. Further intervention support is provided on a need basis, in consultation with parents.

Be You

Our school community, led by our Be You Action Team works closely with families and the local community, to provide a holistic support network for our children's mental health and wellbeing. Please contact the school if you would like to be involved.

Breakfast Club

We know that some days, it’s not always easy to prepare a fully nutritious meal in the morning. We are proud that Malibu School is registered with Foodbank and with the combined support from Woolworths, Waikiki, offer a morning Breakfast Club each day. Each morning, students develop independence in setting up, preparing their food and cleaning up after themselves. Sessions are quick as we encourage our children to start their classroom day as scheduled.


Drumming can be a powerful tool to help students develop social and communication skills while strengthening fine and gross motor skills and resilience. Drumming often occurs as a collaborative, interactive process which supports turn-taking and sharing, listening, safe risk taking, decision making and attending. Students engaged in the Drumbeat program have the opportunity to feel part of a group by contributing towards a collaborative activity.

Skills for Daily Living

Each day students undertake a range of daily living tasks relevant to their individual needs. This may include Toilet Training, brushing teeth, washing hands or more advanced skills such as managing clothing and laundry. These skills are highly individualised and will be incorporated into a child’s learning program, developed in collaboration with families.