Parents as Partners
Our parents and carers are valued as the most important partners in the development of each child’s Individual Education Plan. At the beginning of each semester, we ask to meet with families to share information and collaborate in the identification of interests, strengths and goals for every child. Your child’s teacher will make contact to arrange a suitable time to meet.
We continually look forward to hearing how we might assist, how we may provide opportunities for families to share with others, to seek links with support providers on behalf of families or to share what we do. Each term we invite families to participate in a range of school-based events, workshops, information sessions and networking opportunities. These meetings are informal and are based upon communicated and identified needs from our parent / carer community.
Our strong partnerships with external support providers, particularly those who can assist parents learn about and prepare for their NDIS plans, ensures that content is broad and relevant with the most current information, resources and practical strategies available for families.
All families and family members are part of our Malibu family and we welcome hearing feedback about what our families like most and what they need further.